Can Child Custody Be Settled Out Of Court?
This question is often asked: ‘Can child custody be settled out of court?’ Child custody cases that are taken to court can often be a lengthy and expensive experience. The parents or carers of the child or children often become aggravated and disputes develope between them. The alternative that many parents and carers choose, is to settle their child custody cases outside of court. This alternative, being able to settle cases of child custody out-of-court offers many benefits.
Parents can reach an amicable settlement agreement with each other with the guiding assistance of an attorney. This agreement can cover all areas of child custody, including visitation rights and maintenance and can be achieved in an informal environment. In cases where parents choose to be represented by an attorney at the settlement agreement meetings, the attorney should first and foremost consider the best interests of the child/children, and then that of their client. The settlement agreement will be a written agreement that will satisfy all legal aspects.
The out-of-court settlement agreement that parents choose is to avoid the stress and emotional trauma that they experience in a child custody case. Apart from the fact that a settlement agreement is a lot less expensive, neither the parents nor the children would have to discuss their family environment in front of a judge and his/her officials. The written agreement is then presented to the family judge for their approval and signature.
It is more likely for the parents or carers to follow an agreed parenting plan, after having agreed on an out-of-court settlement. When a successful custody agreement is reached it means that parents will consider each other’s visitation schedules and maintenance responsibilities.
For more information pertaining to your case and or to consulting with experienced child custody attorneys, contact Joselowitz and Andrews Attorneys today.