Mediation Attorneys Preferred In Dispute Resolution.
Mediation is gaining popularity worldwide in resolving disputes by mediators. This has become a trend and preferred resolution practice when facilitating negotiations between parties.
In the current unstable economic climate, businesses, as well as individuals, are much more comfortable with settling disputes by means of mediation as a way of dealing with expiry limitation periods and claims of negligence. More and more businesses and individuals are starting to realise that mediation is a much more economical and quicker way of settling their disputes. To avoid court involvement, it has also become more prevalent between business partners when determining a settlement of breaches of contract amongst themselves.
It is common knowledge that parties are likely to save on costs when disputes are settled out of court. Because of cost-cutting, legal establishments and government departments are supporting and advocating mediation. It is necessary for mediation support through frameworks and experts in mediation to assist parties and attorneys in the legal mediation processes. These are especially helpful in cases of family conflicts. There are, unfortunately, those law firms that feel mediation will pose a threat to their profit-making endeavours. As a result of the aforementioned, they do not support this legal paradigm change.
Mediators do not rely on one single mediation practice but make use of a number of different techniques and processes during the mediation settlement. This will be especially true of large mediation cases for example between commercial parties who live in foreign countries. Here an experienced mediator will have a vast wealth of knowledge and experience to explore in order to eventually decide on the best mediation process to engage.
There are mediators who become skilled in a certain field for example in commercial or family law. It is recommended to use a specialised mediator in these instances. JA Attorneys are specialist mediation attorneys in family law, child custody, divorce, sectional title, and debt collection matters. Contact us today to book a consult.