The Most Common Excuses That Debtors Make

2020-07-16T10:44:09+02:00January 24th, 2019|

The Most Common Excuses That Debtors Make The most important thing for a creditor, especially in these uncertain economic times, is to identify whether or not the debtor is having cash flow problems. Upon quickly determining that the debtor is not in a position to pay his or her dues,  the time can be used [...]

Amendments To The National Credit Act And Debt Collection

2020-07-16T11:31:06+02:00January 24th, 2019|

Amendments To The National Credit Act And Debt Collection The National Credit Act of South Africa made a few amendments to the Act recently.  Most South Africans are not aware of these amendments and even worse is the fact that they are not aware of what it means to them as consumers.  It is imperative [...]

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